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Parashat Re'eh 2020 - פרשת ראה 5780
August 11, 2020
"רְאֵ֗ה אָנֹכִ֛י נֹתֵ֥ן לִפְנֵיכֶ֖ם הַיּ֑וֹם בְּרָכָ֖ה וּקְלָלָֽה."
“See, this day I set before you blessing and curse.”
To receive the blessings of G-D, all that a person should do is LISTENING—listening to the words of G-D through Shiurim (classes) from spiritual leaders and Torah teachers. The Holy words of wisdom that enter your ears, go to your heart (short distance), and in time you’ll be a better person who values life and people and appreciating G-D and everything he rewards you.
Do I have the desire to rebuild my marriage life?!
June 15, 2020
Peace and Harmony between loving couples become a challenge as the days of their mutual lives as husband and wife go on. In many cases, you can save your marriage life by educating yourself by reading books, attending/listing to lectures/classes of Shalom Bayit שלום בית or simply being guided/advised by a marriage consultant.
This is the first part of the upcoming series of lectures in SHALOM BAYIT's subject:
"Do I have the desire to rebuild my Marriage Life?!"
כָּךְ אָמַר הקב"ה לְיִשְׂרָאֵל: בָּנָי אֲהוּבַי, כְּלוּם חִסַּרְתִּי דָּבָר שֶׁאֲבַקֵּשׁ מִכֶּם, וּמָה אֲנִי מְבַקֵּשׁ מִכֶּם, אֶלָּא שֶׁתִּיהְיוּ אוֹהֲבִים זֶה אֶת זֶה, וְתִהְיוּ מְכַבְּדִים זֶה אֶת זֶה, וְתִהְיוּ יְרֵאִים זֶה מִזֶּה (תַּנָּא דְּבֵי אֵלִיָּהוּ רָבָא, פֶּרֶק כ"ח)
"This is what God said to Israel: My beloved, I lack nothing I ask of you, and what I ask of you, except you will love each other, and you will respect each other, and you will have awe of each other." (Tana Devay Eliyahu Rabba,)
Honor Your Teacher
May 18, 2020
"יְהִי כְבוֹד תַּלְמִידְךָ חָבִיב עָלֶיךָ כְּשֶׁלְּךָ, וּכְבוֹד חֲבֵרְךָ כְּמוֹרָא רַבְּךָ, וּמוֹרָא רַבְּךָ כְּמוֹרָא שָׁמָיִם"
“Let the honor of your student be as dear to you as your own, and the honor of your colleague as the reverence for your teacher, and the reverence for your teacher as the awe of heaven.” (Masechet Avot 4,12)
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אשת חייל - נודע בשערים בעלה
September 02, 2018
מה סודה של אשת חיל?
מדרש ילקוט שמעוני משיב שמזמור "אשת חיל" כתוב לפי סדר האלף בית ואומר "כשם שנתן הקדוש ברוך הוא תורה לישראל בעשרים ושתיים אותיות, כך משבח את הנשים הכשרות בעשרים ושתים אותיות"
הגאון בעל מלבושי יום טוב (המבי"ט) זצ"ל מבאר שמזמור הכתוב בסדר האלף בית מורה, שאין השבחים הכתובים בו אקראיים ומזדמנים ובמקרה קובצו למזמור אחד. אלף בית מורה סדר ומשטר. ולכן עלינו להבין שפעולותיה הטובות של "אשת חיל" ונשיאתה בעול הבית ומעשי החסד שלה אינם אקראיים גרידא אלא משנה סדורה ומערכת עקבית.
What is the secret of an "Eshet Chayil" woman of valor (good wife)?
Midrash Yalkut Shimoni replies that the poem, "Eshet Chayil," is written in alphabetical order. It is written, "Just as HaKadosh Baruch Hoo (G-D), gave the Torah to Israel in twenty-two letters, so he praises the virtuous women in twenty-two letters."
The Gaon, author of Malbooshay Yom Tov (the Mabi”t)zt "l, explains that a Poem or Psalm that is written in the order of the alphabet shows, that the praises that are written in it, are not random and coincidentally grouped into one psalm. Aleph Bet portrays order and regime. Therefore, we must understand that the acts of kindness of "Eshet Chayil" while also carrying on the burden of the household are merely not random, but a systematic matter and a consistent system.
The drummer from Jerusalem - המתופף מירושלים
August 19, 2018
מתופף הוא מוזיקאי העוסק בתיפוף, כלומר מנגן בתוף או במערכת תופים
התפקיד הראשוני של המתופף הוא שמירת קצב - הוא אמור לשמור על קצב אחיד כדי ששאר הנגנים יוכלו להתאים את עצמם לקצב. כמו כן, למתופף חלק מהותי בפן הרחב יותר של הקצב במוזיקה. בניגוד לרוב הכלים במחלקת הקצב, לתופים יש מרכיב הרמוני זניח (פרט לתופים במוזיקה קלאסית, אשר להם יש מרכיב הרמוני גדול יותר). משמעות הדבר היא שהמתופף לא משפיע על ההרמוניה של היצירה, ולעומת זאת הוא פנוי לעבודה מורכבת יותר על הקצב. לכן על פי רוב המקצב שהמתופף נותן אינו מקצב פשוט, אלא מורכב, ולעיתים קרובות אף פוליריתמי או שבור
A drummer is a musician engaged in drumming, that is, playing a drum or a drum set.
The initial role of the drummer is to keep pace - he is supposed to maintain a uniform rhythm so that the rest of the musicians can adjust themselves to the rhythm. In addition, the drummer has an essential part in the broader aspect of rhythm in music.
Unlike most of the instruments in the rhythm department, the drums have a negligible harmonic component (except drums in classical music, which have a larger harmonic component). This means that the drummer does not affect the harmony of the piece, while he is free to work more complex on the beat. Therefore, for the most part, the rhythm the drummer gives is not a simple rhythm, but a complex one, often a Polypheme or a broken one.
תשר - מלשון תשורה
August 05, 2018
תשר - מלשון תשורה
באירופה ובארצות הברית יש מסורת מושרשת של “דמי שירות”. אך ישנם מאחינו בני ישראל שמנהג זה זר להם ורוטנים הם מדוע בנוסף לשירות שקבלתי אני צריך גם להעניק תוספת לנותן השירות?!
הבא נלמד, שמתן תשר, נתינת טיפ - חסד זה מעוגן בתורה ומקיימים בו מצווה.
אכן כן
In Europe and the United States, there is a deeply rooted tradition of service fees also known as “Tips.” But there are some of our brethren, the children of Israel, who are unfamiliar with this custom, and they complain why do they have to add extra pay to the service provider?
Let’s learn that giving tips is a way of kindness that is anchored in the Torah as a Mitzvah.
Yes indeed!
?היכן הוא ה"נוּ" שלנו הקדחתני, המבקש, המתחנן
July 22, 2018
?היכן הוא ה"נוּ" שלנו הקדחתני, המבקש, המתחנן
איפה הוא הצליל היחיד, ההברה היחידה העשויה ללא ספק
!?לזרז את הגאולה – אם רק תבוא מעומק הלב
?!נוּ" היכן הוא"
Where is our "NU" of passionate imploration?!
Where is our feverish, begging, seeking “NU"?
Where is the single sound, the only one syllable
that might hasten the redemption,
if it is heard from the bottom of the heart?
“NU” where is it!?
כבוד למראית עין
June 24, 2018
אמרו חז"ל: " ללמדך, שכל המשפיל עצמו הקב"ה מגביהו, וכל המגביה עצמו הקב"ה משפילו. כל המחזר על הגדולה גדולה בורחת ממנו, וכל הבורח מן הגדולה גדולה מחזרת אחריו. וכל הדוחק את השעה שעה דוחקתו וכל הנדחה מפני שעה שעה עומדת לו." (תלמוד בבלי, עירובין, דף יג עמוד ב)
מצד אחד רדיפה אחר כבוד היא דבר רע: "הקנאה התאווה והכבוד מוציאין את האדם מן העולם" (משנה, אבות, פרק ד משנה כא), ומצד שני שאיפה לכבוד יכולה להוליד טוב: "קנאת סופרים תרבה חכמה".
The Poor Neighber of Korach
June 10, 2018
I always wondered why people who have it all, want to go to politics?!
You have earned your knowledge, respect and of course, financial freedom so why you want to put your healthy head in a broken bed?!
On top of that, in order to be elected, you are willing to put your dignity aside and lie about almost everything knowing that you cannot fool the whole nation all the time.
It was true then as it is true for our time as well.
Baseless Hatred
August 11, 2019
9th of Av - a time to remember the PAST, to learn a lesson or two for the PRESENT in hope for a better FUTURE. The second Temple - Bet HaMikdash II, destroyed for one reason - BASELESS HATRED. Is it possible to hate someone for NO REASON? After all, if you hurt me physically or emotionally I have a good reason to hate you! WHERE the baseless hatred starts and WHAT to do to end it? Please listen to this lecture and SHARE it with the world, Be a partner in spreading Torah and Jewish Knowledge to Klal Yisrael - Please LIKE and POST.
The Seventh Berachah
July 13, 2017
The Wedding's Ceremony is one of the most beautiful and emotional event in every couple's life especially in the Jewish Orthodox tradition. Under the Chupah the Groom announce out loud to the bride: "Behold, you are consecrated to me via this ring, according to the law of Moshe and Israel". The ring is then immediately placed on the bride's index finger. With that they are now officially Husband and Wife. Now the officiated Rabbi read the seven blessings, and here you'll hear the last blessing the Seventh Berachah.
September 05, 2016
שנת הלימודים החדשה החלה ועמה גם ההחלטות האם לשלוח את הילדים לישיבות/תלמודי תורה או לבתי הספר הממלכתיים תמורת כסף נפקיר את עתיד יהדות ילדינו, האם הדעה המוטעית הרווחת שרמת הלימודים בישיבות הוא נמוך לעומת בתי הספר הממלכתיים תהווה משקל לנווט את ילדי העתיד לכאן או לשם. אנא האזינו בקשב לדברים היוצאים מן הלב והפיצו אותם בקרב חבריכם. בקרו באתרנו בבקשה www,
The new school's year started and with that the decision between Public School or Yeshivah. For some of us it is only a question of which Yeshivah to send our kids to, for others money talks - FREE public school - High Tuition Yeshiva. Level of Education and peace of mind.
(lecture in Hebrew)
July 19, 2016
I always wondered why people who have it all, want to go to politics?! You have earned your knowledge, respect and of course financial freedom so why you want to put your healthy head in a sick bed?! On top of that, in order to be elected you are willing to put your dignity aside and lie about everything knowing that you cannot fool the whole nation all the time. It was true for then as it is for our time.
June 01, 2016
Our Spiritual Leaders, our Rabbis are often going through some contempt and disgrace by individuals, not realizing the bad impact on the rest of the community specially on the next generation and the ones thereafter. Our Leaders are here not only to teach us the laws but to help us morally and emotionally, let’s all welcome it with grace.
April 25, 2016
NO one knows his limitations!
Physically the skies and beyond are the limit of our abilities, spiritually we can reach as far as the throne of G-D. I can’t = I DON’T want! Therefore, each one of us should ask himself in every aspect of his life: “Am I doing enough?!”
Watch it on Torah Anytime:
Gods of Silver & Gold
July 17, 2016
'Trust only in G-d', means we realize that we are part of an enterprise run by The Almighty, and we are here to help bring the world to the destiny for which it was created. The purpose of our creation is to connect to G-d and build a relationship with Him. So, how do we develop a relationship with the King of Kings? Rabbi Nissanian explains that it’s all rooted in how much we put our confidence in G-d.
Your Reward
July 17, 2016
Judaism is often said to be a religion of good deeds. Though overly simplistic, this description reflects the centrality of the mitzvot (commandments) in Jewish life, as well as the rabbinic conclusion that, in most cases, a person who performs a mitzvah for example charity without focusing on receiving compensation, has fulfilled his good deed in the best way possible. Will he still receive a reward in the world to come?
The Source of Wealth
July 17, 2016
Why is it so important to learn Torah? What is the true source of a person's wealth? What is more important in life, to learn Torah or to be successful in business? Rabbi Nissanian explains how the Torah is a tree of life to all who grasp it, and whoever clings to it is happy; its ways are ways of pleasantness, and all it paths are paths of peace, it is the source of all the abundance in the world.
February 06, 2016
The Third and the final part of the most powerful tool we have to get what's good for us.
January 22, 2016
The Second part of the most powerful tool we have to get what's good for us.
Please use this tool wisely and share with others
January 15, 2016
The most powerful tool we have to get what's good for us
Please use this tool and share with others
Words of defense
July 14, 2013
When did Moshe say to G-D that the Gold and the Silver you showered upon Am Israel when they got out of Mitzrayim and you did not stop it till they said enough, for that now you punish them for making the golden cuff?
The rabbi explains how it is that G-d gives us so much, yet we forget to thank Him.
Amazingly G-D accepted the defense line of Moshe. Why?!